From Space Invaders to the present day

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From Space Invaders to the present day

Post by asikurrahmanshuvo »

Do you want to do content marketing but you too are overwhelmed and have no time (see above)? Maybe we can help.
We write you 100 articles at 0.10 cents each with the keywords repeated 15 times, so your customers find you on Google and then as soon as they have found you they run away. No, seriously, let's talk about it.
“The Game” , Alessandro Baricco ’s latest book , is an essay on the world we live in, the result of a technological revolution that has changed our way of thinking. This is not a review but a small insight into the theme of storytelling and the importance of creating aerodynamic concepts , characterized by “synthesis and speed”. Storytelling is the
magic ingredient that gives a concept the ability to “get moving”. And no, it is not “the collection of balls that we elaborate to gild reality” [Baricco’s words, not mine].

“The Game” is a tome of 324 pages to be exact (I swear I read them all), in which ecuador whatsapp resource Baricco starts from Space Invaders and arrives to the present day, explaining something that we see happening every day but to which, probably, we have never paid attention. Today's world is the fruit of a digital revolution, a mental insurrection, a clear split with the model of twentieth-century thought. He calls it “The Game” because it replicates the characteristics of a huge video game.

Of course, it is a book full of ideas and you may like it or not, like Baricco himself. I am not here to make value judgments and say "we were better off before", "these smartphones ruin everything" or "our young people spend all their time playing video games".

This is the blog of a communications agency that has always been active in the digital world. We are also neighbors of Baricco, because our headquarters are a few hundred meters from the Holden School, here in Turin, but this physical proximity in the Game counts for very little.

Book "The Game" by A. Baricco on desk

So this is not a review of the book, but a little insight into something that, as a copywriter, struck me. Just a couple of pages towards the end of the book, where they talk about storytelling.
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