Organisation. I’m not always the best at it. I’m the kind of girl whose friends creep up behind her to pull the tag out of her new clothes, or the girl who leaves getting ready to the absolute last minute, only to realise (after a very strange train journey: the one time you’d prefer people to look you in the eye!) that she’s wearing two completely different shoes (this has only happened once. Thank god. I’m hoping it won’t again). So other than highlighting how lovely my friends are and how awkward a train journey can get, the above examples highlight an obvious weakness I have; staying organised.
You’re probably thinking, ‘If she’s so disorganised, how can she possibly offer us any valuable advice?!’ Well, my inability to organise myself has, so far, left my professional life unaffected. But it takes keeping organisation at the forefront of czech republic whatsapp phone number my mind daily to prevent it. This was especially true while I was job hunting; as structuring your day can be a real headache when you have so many distractions at your fingers tips!
So I’m going to talk you through my average day when I was hunting for a job;
8:00 – 9:00: Wake up. Drink coffee. Get dressed. Drink coffee. Eat Breakfast. Drink tea (variety is the spice of life!)
It’s really important to keep a routine when applying for jobs, and staying in bed until mid-afternoon, continuing or reliving your student days just isn’t going to cut it –take this example: if you’re immediately available and applying for temporary roles, you could easily get a call from a recruiter at half 8, for a job starting at half 9 - but there's no need to panic - because you’re up, dressed and onto you’re second coffee of the day; you’re almost good to go!
And the wonders getting dressed in the morning can do for moral is indisputable; feeling fresh and together can give you that extra confidence and edge to help you formulate the perfect answer, making you standout from the crowd!
Diary of a Job Seeker – Staying Organised on Your Job Hunt!
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- Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:12 am